Forecast® podcast MP3 encoder with chapters
Download latest version for macOS
Version history
Fixed exporting of sponsor-free versions for files with exclusive content but no sponsors.
Chapters with certain title prefixes can now appear only in the sponsor-free version.
(File → Export Sponsor-Free Version)
This can be used to provide exclusive bonus content in the sponsor-free version.
Exclusive chapters are not saved in the regular Save operation. Use File → Export with All Chapters to save a file with all sponsor and exclusive chapters.
For instance, if you set the exclusive prefix to “Bonus”, and a chapter title is “Bonus: Behind the Scenes”, that chapter would not be present in the regularly saved MP3, but it would be present in the exported sponsor-free version.
Sponsor and exclusive chapters are also now color-coded in the list, and the preferences for title prefixes to indicate sponsor and exclusive chapters now support multiple entries (one per line).
- Window size is now remembered
- Fixed imports of AIFF files
- Improved performance when importing very large files
- Can now import MP3s without re-encoding.
- Improved support for very large WAV files.
- Improved duration accuracy.
- Deflated several beachballs.
Now universal for Apple Silicon and Intel.
- Added higher bitrates for music
- Improved audio quality at each bitrate
- Improved chapter-timing precision
- New feature: Export Sponsor-Free Version (File menu)
- Fixed dark-mode table appearance
- Fixed issues on older Macs
- Fixed handling of 48 kHz input
0.9 (125) • January 24, 2018
- Fixed image-size limits on chapter art
- Other image formats are now converted to JPEG or PNG
0.9 (124) • January 16, 2018
- More accurate long-silence warnings
- Can now import markers from AIFF files
- Fixed importing markers from Sound Studio
0.9 (123) • December 10, 2017
- Fixed importing markers from Amadeus Pro.
0.9 (122) • December 5, 2017
- Fixed importing markers from certain files exported by Logic Pro.
0.9 (121) • December 1, 2017
- Fixed importing markers from Adobe Audition.
- Fixed a crash when opening some VBR MP3 files.
0.9 (120) • November 29, 2017
- Fixed bugs and crashes.
- Can now select and delete multiple chapters at once.
- Manual chapter creation is slightly smoother.
- Removed VBR modes — I didn’t intend to ship those publicly (oops). VBR isn’t supported enough yet to be responsibly used for podcasts. If and when that changes, it’ll be back.
0.9 (119) • November 28, 2017
Initial public beta